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The Future of Smart Fitness 
PhysioGym by Remeds

Powered by Smart TurtleGym™ System

Asian Elderly Exercising, smiling & engaged in light fitness activities

Professional Physiotherapy & Isokinetic Equipment Training

We combine the expertise of professional physiotherapists and state-of-the-art Isokinetic Training Equipment from TurtleGym Taiwan, specially designed for beginners. Our focus is on safety and suitability for all fitness levels, helping you gain strength without strain or injury.

Isokinetic Training – The Safe and Modest Method for Strength Building

Using Technology from Taiwan's TurtleGym, we are the first in Malaysia to use this modest method of strength training.

The resistance is adjusted through specialized equipment according to the user’s strength level. The speed of movement remains constant throughout the exercise. It gives optimal results to the join from any angle. 

Explore More About Isokinetic Strength Training >>

An elderly person using isokinetic training equipment, focusing on safe and controlled movements.
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AI-powered - Visualize Every Little Steps towards healthier and stronger!

The AI system tracks and records three key metrics: range of motion, resistance, and balance, delivering unprecedented insights into your progress.

With detailed, real-time data, you can clearly see your improvements, and our physiotherapist will provides personalized recommendations based on your performance, helping you achieve your goals safely and effectively.

A physiotherapist with elderly fitness specialty
Embark on your journey towards a healthier & Happier life.

What Our Customers Say

testimonial client_remeds homecare

Kym Ng 

The nursing care service rendered is 5 star, excellent!.

Nurses are dedicated, professional, caring, loving and responsible. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to them ! Salute!

Health Facts

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