Everything You Need to Regain Strength and Confidence
Feeling tired of weakness, imbalance, or the signs of aging? You've come to the right place. Join us and get stronger with our tailored fitness programs.
Professional Physiotherapy & Isokinetic Equipment Training
We combine the expertise of professional physiotherapists and state-of-the-art Isokinetic Training Equipment from TurtleGym Taiwan, specially designed for beginners. Our focus is on safety and suitability for all fitness levels, helping you gain strength without strain or injury.
我们结合了 专业物理治疗师和来自台灣的 TurtleGym 等速肌力设备,专为健身初学者设计,确保安全。让您在无忧无虑中增强体力,不必担心运 动伤害
Isokinetic Training – The Safe and Modest Method for Strength Building
Using Technology from Taiwan's TurtleGym, we are the first in Malaysia to use this modest method of strength training.
The resistance is adjusted through specialized equipment according to the user’s strength level. The speed of movement remains constant throughout the exercise. It gives optimal results to the join from any angle.
全马首家引进台湾 TurtleGym 的等速肌力技术
马来西亚首家引进台湾 TurtleGym 的等速肌力技术,是全球最符合人体的训练方式。运动的时候阻力跟随使用者的实力大小而改变,不管你力量多大或多小,运动的速度维持不变。是目前最受医学认可的银发族运动器材
AI-powered - Visualize Every Little Steps towards healthier and stronger!
The AI system tracks and records three key metrics: range of motion, resistance, and balance, delivering unprecedented insights into your progress.
With detailed, real-time data, you can clearly see your improvements, and our physiotherapist will provides personalized recommendations based on your performance, helping you achieve your goals safely and effectively.
智能AI - 记录你迈向健康的每一步!
每次训练,AI会自动记录并分析您的运动幅度、阻力和平衡 三大关键参数,提供前所未有的详细进展报告。通过精准的数据追踪,您可以清楚了解每一步的进步,物理治疗师还会根据您的表现提供个性化建议,帮助您有效、稳步地达成目标。
让每次训练数据化、可视化, 量身打造的個人運動方案!