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Proven result with Remeds’s Home Wound Care Service in just 30 days! | Penang Home Wound Care

Remeds Home Wound Care Service | Proven Healing in 30 days | Bedsore Healing | Real-life Case Sharing | Penang Home Wound Care Service

Bedsores ( pressure sores ) are common in bed-bound patients due to constant and unrelieved pressure that damages the skin and underlying tissue.

Same happened to our patient, Mdm Q who has been long-term bedridden. One day, a foul-smelling, tennis-ball-sized pressure wound at the back of the patient was discovered by the caregiver. Mdm Q is also a diabetic patient, which makes the wound healing process even more challenging.

Remeds Wound Care Service | Proven Healing in 30 days | Bedsore Healing | Real-life Case Sharing | Penang Wound Care Service
Bedsore healing in 30 days by professional nurse in Remeds

Bedsore healing progress in 30 days of a real-life case under the care of Remeds Wound Care Nurse

After 30 days of wound care dressings, the wound healed and closed up nicely to just a 20-cent size !

How do we achieve that?

Our wound care nurses are highly experienced and experts in personalized wound assessment and management. We take great care towards tissue health in the wound bed, wound edge, and the peri-wound skin by optimizing moisture balance, removing devitalized tissue, biofilm, and debris, and preventing further infection.

Furthermore, our professional team consisting of nurses and pharmacists goes beyond the wound by introducing the right nutrition to speed up tissue growth and the wound healing process!

Type of wounds that we expert in managing:

Bedsores / Pressure ulcers

Diabetic ulcers

Surgical wounds

Burn wounds

Arterial/ Venous ulcers

And other chronic non-healing wounds

Our Goal

We have seen many bedridden patients suffering from bedsores and their family caregivers get to suffer psychologically as well.
At Remeds, we have an unwavering belief that bedsore is definitely CURABLE and PREVENTABLE with proper nursing care and caregiver education. The same goes for diabetic ulcers and other wounds.

WhatsApp us today or give us a call for a FREE consultation about our wound care service today to start receiving your personalized Wound Care treatment by our skillful and experienced nurses.


Remeds Wound Care Nurses are specialised in providing efficacious individualised wound care service at your doorstep!

Our Contact No: 010-882 3994



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